Application for Presenters (Abstract Submission is CLOSED)
We are now recruiting teachers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in all disciplines who would like to share their work with the university community. We welcome presentations that showcase good practice and innovation in teaching and learning. The practice can focus on one or more of the following sub-themes:
Enhancement of teaching and learning through innovative curriculum and learning designs
Enhancement of teaching and learning through innovative uses of eLearning strategies
Submission is open for the following categories:
Poster Presentation only
Talk only
Post Presentation AND Talk
Submit Application
Method 1: Submit via online submission system
Method 2: Complete the application form (.doc) and email to or
Abstract Submission Deadline
Extended abstract submission deadline: 31 October 2017,Tuesday
The abstracts will be reviewed by the Expo Organising Committee. Relevance to the theme and sub-themes of Expo and originality of approach are our major considerations.
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection Release
Applicants will be notified by 1-3 November 2017.
Abstract Size/Length
The abstract's length should be a maximum of 250 words.
Abstracts will be published exactly as entered if accepted.
*A NEW arrangement this year is that we give speakers of all accepted abstracts (Posters or Talks) an OPTION to submit a 3 minutes (max) video to us to provide basic information about their work. These videos will be made available to the public BEFORE the event day. The purpose is to enrich the interactions and exchanges. For example, if a participant has already understood the basics of the work in a certain poster, he or she can asked more in-depth and direct questions on the day. He or she is also able to better arrange their time and focus on posters that are of interest to them.
All accepted abstracts, short papers, posters and short videos will be housed in the Expo website.